
Enable data-driven decisions for cities and businesses, with capabilities like people tracking, demographic recognition, and predictive maintenance. These tools optimize public spaces, enhance asset management, and deepen community engagement.




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Asset Management

The Quantela Asset Management core application goes beyond simply listing asset information by enabling tracking of assembly, installation, and commissioning of hardware. Customers can seamlessly coordinate with vendors and teams using the Quantela Asset Manager (QAM) mobile app for component scanning, proof of assembly, and installation, with real-time tracking through the portal. Post-commissioning, the platform monitors asset health, predicts failures, and helps troubleshoot any hardware issues that arise.


Location Insights

Whether it's a municipality, advertising network, property owner...etc., our customers seek insights on people and places. With our location insights core application, we deliver visitation metrics such as visitor counts, dwell patterns, demographics, customer sentiments, and local event info. Basic insights use anonymized cellphone data and other open-source data, while comprehensive insights leverage camera-based solutions.


Crowd Management

The Quantela Crowd Management core application monitors crowd flow, including in-flow and out-flow in defined areas, queue management, unauthorized movement, crowd gatherings, overcrowding, and traffic congestion. It also leverages video machine learning models to detect suspicious activities, generating real-time alerts and triggering standard operating procedures (SOPs) to enable authorities to take timely action.


Video Monitoring

The Quantela Video Monitoring core application is based on QVMS (Quantela Video Management System), a bridge that connects video providers and cameras to generate video data-driven insights. It enables live streaming of camera feeds on a dedicated video wall for specific use cases and integrates video analytics models to analyze the feeds, delivering outcomes like surveillance and monitoring of defined areas. The platform supports a wide range of applications and has the ability to only display infraction based excerpts as opposed to requiring our customers to sift through all surveillance videos.


Citizen Mobile App

The Citizen App is a core application that fosters communication across Government-to-Citizen (G2C), Citizen-to-Government (C2G), and Citizen-to-Business (C2B) channels. It enables citizens to access contextual information, provide feedback, report grievances, receive emergency services and updates, stay informed about city news and announcements, and participate in civic activities.

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